Things to Consider Before Installing Backyard Basketball Courts in Guilford, CT

Homeowners who have the space often find that backyard basketball courts in Guilford, CT are a great investment. This gives avid hoopers or high school B-Ball stars a convenient place to practice, and provides space for friends and family to play together. But in order to reap the full benefits of a backyard court, some thought must go into placement and construction before calling to get a quote.

Deciding the size of the court to be installed is partially dependent on the amount of space that can feasibly be allocated to its construction. Even if there isn’t enough room for a full-size court, a standard half-court measures only 45 by 30 feet. This makes it a more practical option for those with space limitations. To get a good visualization for this, take a friend out into the yard with a tape measure. Have one person stand where the three point line will be. This should be a little less than 20 feet from the rim. Measure this out with a standard 25-foot tape measure. This can help to visualize where the court will sit and help determine whether there are additional considerations that must be made.

These can include things like the slope of the ground, and the angle of the sun. Moving dirt in order to create a flat space is a fairly simple process, but if the court ends up located in a valley in between a bunch of hills it will make drainage much more of a challenge. And nobody wants to stare directly into the sun while they’re trying to make that game winning shot. Take this into account when deciding what direction the court should face.

Those with larger yards, and particularly those with kids, have an additional choice to make: should the court be located near the house, or in the far corner of the property? Placing it close to the house will make it more convenient to go out for a quick game or some much-needed practice after school, and allow parents to keep a watchful eye on children while they’re out having fun.

Choosing to have a court constructed by an experienced contractor means that property owners get to benefit from their experience. Atwater Paving creates specialty basketball courts in Guilford, CT. They can address drainage issues and ensure that residents will be enjoying a quality court for years to come.

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About The Author

Leah Austin

Meet Leah Austin, the Swiss Army knife of writing, whose love for crafting captivating content knows no bounds. Armed with a magnifying glass for detail and a treasure trove of research skills, Leah has mastered the art of delivering articles and blogs that don't just inform, they enchant. Her journey into the realm of writing started with a curiosity so profound it could rival a cat's obsession with cardboard boxes. From the depths of technology to the peaks of finance, Leah fearlessly navigates diverse subjects, infusing each piece with a fresh perspective and a commitment to accuracy that's tighter than a squirrel guarding its nuts. Fueled by a voracious appetite for knowledge and a burning desire to share it with the world, Leah possesses a superpower: the ability to turn brain-busting concepts into prose so clear even your grandma could understand. Her dedication to quality and knack for spinning a yarn have made her a digital oracle, sought after for wisdom in a sea of clickbait. When she's not hammering away at her keyboard, Leah can be found communing with nature, whipping up culinary concoctions, or disappearing into the folds of a good book. With a lifelong love affair with learning and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Leah Austin continues to dazzle and enlighten through her writing antics.