It’s good that you see a dentist on a regular basis. It would be even better if you ask your family dentist in Charlotte, NC questions about any dental-related issues that are on your mind. Here are a few examples of things you may want to discuss during your next checkup.
One has to do with the type of toothbrush you’re using. For a long time, you’ve just picked up one at the dollar store and made do. It could be that you should be using a brush with certain features, including the right type of bristles. Your dentist can provide suggestions on what sort of toothbrush to use, when to replace it, and even provide some brushing tips that might be helpful.
There are also questions about flossing. While you do use floss, how often would be best? Do the floss picks work just as well as regular floss? Are there any reasons to avoid floss that’s flavored with cinnamon or mint? Your family dentist can answer these questions and more.
Finally, a word with your family dentist in Charlotte, NC is in order if one or more of your teeth need to be removed. Should you be thinking in terms of getting a bridge, or would an implant be best? Your dentist can walk you through the pros and cons associated with either option.
Remember that your dentist wants you to enjoy the highest level of dental health possible. Ask anything that is on your mind, and listen closely to the answers. Following that advice could mean enjoying a beautiful smile for more years.