Traditionally, the landscape design process involves incorporating five key elements. These are:
- Line
- Form
- Texture
- Color
- Scale
In Asheville NC, landscape design now also incorporates the principles of low maintenance and sustainability.
Sustainability and Low Maintenance
For landscape designs to be successful today, they must also be sustainable. This approach requires understanding the properties and characteristics of the existing local landscape. The landscape designer must be acquainted with the specific qualities of the land and its makeup. This includes soil, water, and other related aspects.
The process also demands the design planners utilize the best planning processes to ensure the resulting landscape design in Asheville NC is easy to maintain. Low maintenance of any property involves sustainable practices including restricted water usage. The result is the creation of a sustainable environment reflecting the natural qualities of the land.
Why Low Maintenance and Sustainability?Increasingly, people are turning to environmentally responsible landscape practices. This has been the result of various external factors including concerns about the state of the environment and water pollution. Those now employed in landscape design in places as diverse as Asheville NC and Vineyard, UT now blend the specific requirements of their clients with those of the natural world. This requires understanding the naturally existing qualities of local soil, water and plants. It demands comprehension of diverse aspects that produce a highly functioning and sustainable garden – one that effortlessly combines the traditional aspects of design with those of sustainability and low maintenance.