Options for Weight Loss Surgery

by | May 20, 2013 | Health

Weight loss is something that many people struggle with for many years without lasting desired weight loss results. Fad diets, diet pills, and diet food replacement programs are readily available to the masses, each promising drastic weight loss with little effort by the person attempting weight loss. However, not all fad diets, diet pills, or diet food replacement programs are created equal and aren’t meant for everyone. Weight loss seekers may try different types of programs and either only reach small success or never reach success at all. An alternative for people who struggle with weight loss programs is to commit to Weight Loss Surgery. There are many different types of weight loss surgery. Some of the major types of weight loss surgery are adjustable gastric binding, gastric bypass surgery, and sleeve gastrectomy.

Adjustable gastric binding, is a type of Weight Loss Surgery in Fairfield County which is considered the least invasive of the weight loss surgeries available. With adjustable gastric binding, a band is attached to the stomach dividing it into two parts. The upper part of the stomach is smaller and is where digestion initially occurs. Since the band is tightly sectioning off the stomach it creates a small pathway to the larger portion of the stomach and to the intestines, digestion is slowed and less food can be ingested before the person has a feeling of fullness. Another type of Weight Loss Surgery in Hartford, is gastric bypass surgery. Business Name is very common and involves the sectioning off of the stomach into a small part and a larger part. The larger part can no longer be accessed during the digestion process, leaving the intestines to only attache to the small part. With gastric bypass, the feeling of fullness sets in quickly due to a reduced amount of stomach space. A third type of Weight Loss Surgery in New Haven, is the sleeve gastrectomy in which 75% of the stomach is actually removed. The remaining small part of the stomach is then connected to the small intestines and ends up looking much like a sleeve. Similar to other weight loss surgeries, a person with a sleeve gastrectomy will consume less due to a quicker feeling of fullness. There are many weight loss strategies available to the public and people who struggle with at home weight loss techniques may benefit from weight loss surgery.

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