Smart Ways to Unclog Kitchen Plumbing in Gig Harbor WA

A kitchen is one of the most used rooms in a home. Cleaning, laundry, and food preparation are just a few of the activities done in this room. Having a steady supply of clean water is beneficial for these tasks. Unfortunately, substances such as coffee grounds, grease, and fibrous foods can obstruct Kitchen Plumbing in Gig Harbor WA. Use the following plunger method to remove a blockage when this occurs.

Pour Heated Water into the Drain

Hot water loosens up many drain clogs. Start this step by removing any standing water from the sink basin. While doing this, heat about one gallon of water. Stop heating the water before it reaches a rolling boil. Slowly pour the water down the drain. Ideally, the hot water will dislodge the clog partially or entirely.

Get the Cup Plunger Ready

A cup plunger consists of a stick and a cup. Test the plunger by pulling the handle and base in opposite directions. The handle should stay firmly attached to the base. Spread a small amount of petroleum jelly on the underside of the base along the edges. Doing this helps the cup plunger form a tight seal with the sink surface.

Slide the Plunger into Proper Place

At the top of the sink, press the plunger into a sink wall. Slowly slide the plunger down the sink wall and across the bottom of the sink until it’s over the drain opening. Again, press the plunger firmly into the sink.

Implement Reciprocal Motion

Rapidly move the plunger up and down 10 times. This helps to build pressure so the blockage will hopefully exit the plumbing system. Ensure that the plunger maintains constant contact with the sink surface when performing these strikes. On the last strike, pull up quickly on the plunger. Run a steady stream of hot water to test whether the clog has been removed.

It may be necessary to repeat these easy instructions once or twice for the plunger method to be successful. However, clogs can be messy and stick to the sides of the drain. When this happens, it’s a good idea to call a plumbing expert like the ones at Express Service Plumbing in Gig Harbor WA. This company can handle commercial and residential plumbing services.

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