At a Dental Care Service Fargo ND Parents Learn How to Keep Their Children’s Teeth Healthy

by | Mar 22, 2016 | Dentist

Most people understand that sugary foods and beverages are bad for their teeth, and as parents, they try to minimize the amount of these substances that their children consume. For children’s, Dental Care Service Fargo ND parents bring their youngsters to clinics where dentists can provide additional recommendations about a diet that’re healthy for teeth. Sugar hides in many foods that people don’t tend to think of as problematic for dental health. The earlier that parents start their children on a diet of healthy meals and snacks, the more likely the youngsters will grow up to prefer those foods and beverages.

Kids don’t have to eat donuts, cookies and candy bars to get sugary and starchy food stuck to their teeth. Dried fruit, for instance, contains natural sugar, and it tends to be a favorite for children. Raisins, dates, and other dried fruit stick to tooth enamel and can be a risk factor for tooth decay. Fruit roll-ups and chewy granola bars are sticky as well. Even fresh fruit and all-natural fruit juice can pose problems if kids consume these substances throughout the day. The sugars and acid are hard on teeth. Dentists generally recommend having some fruit or juice with a healthy meal, as the other foods will clear away that sugar and acid. If the child cannot brush after eating a meal, rinsing the mouth with water is beneficial.

In addition, adults and kids alike need plenty of calcium and vitamin D for healthy teeth. Calcium is essential for tooth enamel, and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Drinking milk instead of fruit juice is an advantageous substitute.

At a Dental Care Service Fargo ND, parents learn whether their children are practicing good oral hygiene habits and whether they need to improve. A child who develops cavities not only may need to cut back on sugary snacks but may need to be more vigilant about brushing and flossing. At a practice such as Concept Dentistry, the youngster can have sealants placed on the teeth to protect the enamel. Even with this protective measure, it’s still important to avoid sugary foods and beverages for the most part and to brush or, at least, rinse with water after consuming them.

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