How to Get Legal Help From the Auto Accidents Attorneys Greeley in CO

by | Jul 30, 2019 | Lawyers

When an auto accident occurs, injured victims need to be aware of the rights they hold and how they can get help from the Auto Accidents Attorneys Greeley CO. Getting help from an attorney can allow an injured person to focus on their recovery efforts while their attorney focuses on negotiations with the insurance company. Getting help from an attorney can make a big difference in the outcome of an injury case.

How to Get Started

To get started on the process, the injured person first needs to schedule a consultation appointment with the Auto Accidents Attorneys Greeley CO. In the state of Colorado, injured individuals have two years from the date of their accident to file a lawsuit. Waiting too long to seek legal help could result in a person running out of time and being unable to further pursue the matter in court.

Preparing for the consultation appointment with the attorney is essential. Taking careful notes regarding the accident and injuries that were suffered will provide the attorney with the information they need to launch an investigation. If the injured party has any evidence they can bring, this should be share with the attorney.

After the consultation appointment, the injured party will need to decide if they are going to hire the attorney. Many personal injury attorneys work on contingency. This means the injured party will not be required to pay upfront fees and will not be charged any attorney’s fees if their case is lost.

How Will An Attorney Help?

Injury attorneys work to protect the rights of their injured clients. They will start by investigating the accident to gather as much evidence as possible. The attorney will begin pursuing the at-fault driver and their insurance company to hold them accountable for paying for the suffered measurable damages.

Injured victims have the right to be represented by an attorney. If you would like to learn more about these services, visit us website. Call the Richard Blundell Law Offices today and allow them to schedule your consultation appointment. They will be happy to help you pursue the responsible party for your damages.

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