Making the Most of Dog Grooming Services in Alexandria, VA

by | Jul 1, 2016 | Veterinarians

While keeping a pet properly groomed is always a good thing and can often be done at home, there are times when it makes sense to seek professional assistance. This is particularly true when time is short and there’s a lot to do. Here are some situations that can be helped by making the most of local Dog Grooming Services in Alexandria VA.

The Weather is Heating Up

Summertime is difficult for pets with heavy coats. If the family is already noticing the heat, it’s safe to assume that the family dog is uncomfortable. Choosing to take the pet to one of the local Dog Grooming Services in Alexandria VA and have the coat thinned and shampooed will do wonders for the pet. It will also help reduce some of the shedding around the house.

Company is Coming

Relatives are coming from out of town. Just as there’s the need to clean the house and make sure the guest room is ready for them, it makes sense to take the dog in for a grooming session. When the pet greets the visitors, they will appreciate the fact that the dog is sporting a coat that is brushed and clean, nails that are clipped, and a scent that is appealing to the nose.

Going on a Trip

The family is going on a two-week vacation. Instead of boarding the family dog, the pet will be coming along with the rest of the family. If the pet has a decidedly outdoor aroma, that can make things a little uncomfortable in the car. In the days prior to leaving, take the pet in for a complete round of bathing, brushing, and clipping. That will make it much easier for everyone to enjoy the ride, including the dog.

If some event is coming up soon and the family dog is involved, now is the time to visit any and learn more about the grooming services offered. Talk with a professional and determine which treatments would be best, how long they will take, and the overall cost. While the dog may be a little apprehensive at first, it will not take long before the attention is welcome and the results will be something that everyone will enjoy. You can also visit them on Facebook for regular update.

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