Pre and Post-Workout Nutrition for Every Type of Exercise

by | Jun 11, 2018 | Fitness Training Center

Nutrition is a multi-faceted area of health that, when paired with exercise, should be appropriately adjusted to fit that exercise, and there are different nutritional guidelines that are better suited for different workout routines.

It can be difficult to fully understand the different approaches to nutrition and how each of them will affect your workout, but there are also plenty of resources to help you start on an effective path.

For example, THE MAX Challenge is a 10-week total body transformation program that utilizes high-intensity fitness classes guided by experienced professionals. This program is designed to guide you to your fitness goals by also providing nutritional counseling to ensure you are eating appropriately for the workout type. These programs will help you understand how nutrition in Montclair, NJ can be tailored to your specific requirements.

Running Exercise

For running exercises, especially long distance, your body will require plenty of energy, and in your pre-workout, you might eat a little bit of fiber with low-fat milk. Post-workout might consist of a high-carb meal such as rice to replenish your body after a tough workout. By paying attention to your nutrition, you can make your runs more productive while limiting the struggle.

High-Intensity Workouts

Nutrition in Montclair, NJ for high-intensity workouts, such as sports, that typically take place in a short amount of time, should be accompanied by a high-carb diet with adequate protein consumption. A pre-workout might include toast, peanut butter, and bananas, while post-workout can be as simple as chicken and rice.

Strength Training

For even more brief workouts, you would want foods high in creatine to foster muscle growth and maintain energy. As well, your nutrition pre- and post-workout will typically include steaks, sweet potatoes, and complex carbohydrates, followed by some fruits and additional protein after the workout.

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