The Benefits Of Invisalign Clear Aligners In Huntington Beach

by | Apr 22, 2024 | Dental

Invisalign is the modern method of straightening misaligned and crooked teeth. Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligners that the patient wears for two weeks, after two weeks they are changed. Every set is marginally different, they are designed to exert a force on the patient’s teeth; this gentle pressure slowly and painlessly moves the teeth into the desired position. Invisalign Clear Aligners in Huntington Beach are an attractive alternative to conventional metal brackets and wires.

There are several benefits to Invisalign aligners:

* Invisible: As the product name implies, they are nearly invisible. Invisalign is produced from a clear plastic material that when worn, is virtually unnoticeable to others. This feature ensures that you can comfortably go about your daily routine without the need to deal with the potential embarrassment of a “metal mouth.”

* Comfortable: Each set of aligners is made from plastic; as a result you do not have to deal with the potential discomfort that can be caused by metal brackets and wires. When you opt for Invisalign Clear Aligners in Huntington Beach there is no fear of cutting or scratching of your gums or the inside of your mouth. There is minimal pain associated with Invisalign, every two weeks when they are changed the only thing you feel is a slight pressure; this is a far cry from the pain associated with tightening the wires of traditional braces.

* Easy to remove: Once you have metal braces installed they are there to stay for the duration of the treatment which can be many months. This is not the case with Invisalign; they can be removed for eating, drinking and oral hygiene. One of the major problems associated with conventional braces is the fact that plaque and tartar builds up in spots that are impossible to reach, as Invisalign can be easily removed, this is not an issue.

* Faster: Invisalign works fast! It is normal for it to take two years or more to straighten teeth using traditional metal braces; with Invisalign this time frame can easily be cut in half. Typically, it takes only 12 months to get the smile that you want. As the majority of patients with Invisalign are busy adults, this simply means that you cuts the number of office visits in half, and you get the results much faster.

Although Invisalign Clear Aligners in Huntington Beach may cost slightly more than conventional braces, Invisalign clear aligners are well worth it when the benefits are taken into account.

If you are unhappy with your smile due to crooked or misaligned teeth the ideal solution is Invisalign Clear Aligners in Huntington Beach. For complete information you are invited to make an appointment with Magic Fox Orthodontics.

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