What To Check If Your Air Conditioner Is Not Blowing As Hard As It Should

by | Feb 2, 2017 | Construction & Maintenance

Everyone has had it happen, you get home from work, and the air conditioner is barely blowing, or wake up, and the heat is not blowing. There are a few possible causes for this, and most of them are not the blower itself. While it is impossible to say universally, chances are if your unit isn’t blowing like it should then it is still a simple fix. Don’t, however, ignore the problem as it could get worse and cause the blower to fail. Here are a few things to check before you start looking for a Chicago HVAC contractor.

Check Your Filter

The very first thing you should check if your air conditioner or heater is not blowing like it should is to check your air filter. If your filter is extremely full, then it is likely restricting airflow and causing the blower to struggle to work. This is not only bad for your comfort, but it also increases the amount of power the blower uses. On top of that, it will eventually wear the blower completely out and cause it to fail. Most filters are easily accessible from inside your house, so make certain to check this first.

Check Your Ductwork

While dirty filters account for most of the issues, your ductwork can play a role. Flex duct can become kinked and restrict airflow. This is likely to cause issues downwind from the kink but may improve airflow in other parts of the house.

There is also the possibility that the ductwork has separated. This is especially possible in older homes and ones where the owner installed the ductwork. If this is the case then the airflow for the entire house is going to suffer, but especially downwind of the part. This will hurt airflow throughout the house as well because of all the air escaping the ductwork. If you have a crawlspace be careful of this. It may attract animals during the winter.

When you need to hire a Chicago HVAC contractor check out Heat Masters. You can contact them on their website at http://www.heatmasters.com. Like us on our facebook page.

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