3 Things to Bring to a Carpet Store in Skokie, Illinois

by | Mar 14, 2016 | Carpet Flooring

New flooring can give any space in the house a makeover. It’s a great opportunity to introduce new colors, update the area, and get some extra padding for those bare feet. It’s easy to see why there would be a mad rush to the closest Carpet Store in Skokie Illinois. A store provides a large selection of carpets and padding while helping a homeowner get a better idea of how much everything will cost. But before heading out, consider bringing along these three things to make the experience a little easier.

Measurements of the Room

Carpet companies come out and take measurements of a space before placing an order. However, when choosing carpet, cost is going to be a factor. How can the cost of the carpet be determined if a person doesn’t have a general idea of how large the room is? While everything doesn’t need to be exact, get out a tape measure and take general measurements of the space. Bring these to the carpet store to get a real estimate of how much the carpet, padding, and installation will cost.

Pictures of Any Important Items

Is there some piece of furniture or artwork that really sets the room apart from the others? Carpet is often a neutral color to ensure that it will blend in seamlessly as a person changes up decorations and styles. However, if there is something important, don’t forget to bring along a picture. While it isn’t the same as putting the carpet underneath the couch or beside the painting, it can still help. Outside of colors, pictures sometimes help a person choose between formal or informal carpeting.

Wear Sandals

While it might sound silly, a pair of sandals can make the carpet buying experience much better. At the Carpet Store in Skokie Illinois, there are sure to be lots of different types of carpet to choose from. Samples can be placed on the floor, on top of the padding, in order for customers to get a real feel for the new carpet. Sandals can be kicked off easily making it possible to move from one sample to the next, comparing the difference in the overall feel. Remember, people are going to be spending a lot of time walking on that carpet.

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