Purchasing auto shop software for your car repair business is a major investment. You have to conduct a lot of research so as to ensure that you make the right choice and avoid costly mistakes. This guide would help you choose the perfect auto service shop software for your business.
Ensure Compatibility
First, you have to ensure that the software you want to purchase is compatible with your current system. Check for compatibility of the software with your computers and other equipment like scanners, printers, and other accessories. You also have to ensure compatibility with the auto repair technology that you are using.
Some auto service shop software in the market today are built on technologies that are as old as thirty or more years. If you purchase such software, you would have to deal with a lot of compatibility issues. Therefore, it’s best for you to ensure compatibility with current technology.
Check Out the Features Available
You should also find out what features are available in your auto service shop software before making a purchase. Available features would depend on the brand you choose but some important features to look out for include:
- Compatibility with most automobiles including motor vehicles, motorcycles, large trucks and luxury vehicles
- Financial management including job cost estimation, invoicing, inventory control and accounts receivable
- Marketing and promotional tools
- Client communication tools
- Vehicle inspection and tracking
- Inventory management
- Reporting system
- Customer service tools
These are just some of the features you would find in a good auto service shop software.
Compare Prices
Be sure that the software doesn’t have some hidden costs of installations and usage that you are not aware of. You must know whether you are going to be charged a flat fee or a rate based on a number of work stations or number of users. You must also know if there would be any monthly maintenance charges or any other related expenses in the future. This way, you would be able to avoid surprises or unexpected expenses.
Customer Reviews
It’s always better to find out what past clients have to say about the software before you invest your money in acquiring one. These days, it’s very easy to obtain genuine reviews. You can get reviews online from review websites, by asking questions from past customers, or from the company’s website. From the reviews, you would be able to know the pros and cons of the software before you purchase it.
Customer Service
Find out if the company offers great customer support either through online chat support, email support, phone support or on-site assistance. This is very important in a case of downtimes. You know you will get a helping hand when issues arise.
Lastly, you must ensure that the auto service shop software is easy to use. You and your technicians should be to quickly grasp the technicalities involved with using the software.