When people buy a house, they may want to hire several types of contractors to do various projects in the home and around the property. Landscaping, installation of new carpeting and an upgrade to the master bathroom may be desirable. A Residential Locksmith in St Louis MO might be hired to change locks and improve security.
A Residential Locksmith in St Louis MO can be called for prompt service, although scheduling an appointment is appreciated when the situation isn’t an emergency. These locksmiths respond quickly when someone has locked himself out of the home. They also can be on the scene quickly when a spouse moves out and the other spouse doesn’t want her to let herself back in.
Keys Scattered About
A home’s new residents generally want to have the locks rekeyed when they move in because they don’t know how many people have keys to the place. They might even find keys hidden around the property that previous residents completely forgot about. There may be a house key in a drawer in a garage cabinet, for example, and another under a decorative rock in the backyard. Neighbors may have keys, and relatives and friends of the previous residents may be able to get in as well. They probably would never try, but the new homeowners feel more comfortable with different locks.
Evaluate the Security
It’s in the best interests of the new homeowners to evaluate the security of the locks in their home before they move in and then hire a company such as Armour Locksmith for any services needed. Sometimes there are doors with only doorknob locks and no deadbolts, for example. Bolts are significantly more secure than most doorknob locks, so they should be added as soon as it’s convenient.
A Number Pad Instead of Hidden Keys
Now that the new residents have moved in, they might want to follow the example of the previous owners and hide keys in case they get locked out. A better solution is to have the locksmith install a number-code pad that opens one of the doors. This is commonly placed by attached garage doors for homes that have these structures. You can also visit them on Google My Business.