In many different types of applications and equipment systems in machining shops, coolant is used to not only diffuse the heat generated by the machining process but also to flush away the metal chips and debris that form during the use of the cutting tool.
The right choice of machine coolant is critical, but keeping the machine coolant clean and free from tramp oil, emulsified oils, and particles, and containment is essential. Investing in a quality machine coolant filtration system is essential to not only extend the life of coolant but to extend the life of consumables and equipment.
There are two different approaches to machine coolant filtration. One is to complete the filtration manually, which includes the use of portable filters that are moved to the equipment for use. The other option is a stationary central machine coolant filtration system, which continually cycles coolant through the process and back to the equipment through automated control.
Reduce Harmful Bacteria
Old or poorly functioning coolant filtration system may not be removing the majority of the surface tramp oil, and they may be ineffective in removing the emulsified or entrained oils in the coolant. This can lead to the build-up of bacteria in the coolant, which decreases the effectiveness of the coolant. It also creates odors in the shop, a sure sign of ineffective filtration.
Heat Damage to Equipment and Cutting Tools
When the coolant contains higher levels of contaminants, it is less efficient at diffusing the heat created by the cutting tool. This not only adds to the rapid wear on the cutting tool, but it can also result in oxidation on the cutting tool and on the equipment.
Another factor to consider is the inability to maintain precision tolerances when the heat is not correctly dispersed in the process. This is a quality control issue, and it can have an impact on the reputation of a machining company.