Little Known Facts about Solar Eclipses

by | Oct 3, 2018 | Eclipses

If you never saw a solar eclipse you are missing out on something special. The sun suddenly darkens in the daytime, and everything grows quiet. As you look up in the sky (with special solar eclipse glasses) you can see the shadow of the moon in front of the sun. These events are rare and here are some little-known facts about eclipses for your reading pleasure.

Not All Solar Eclipses are the Same

“If you see one you have seen them all.” This is not true with eclipses. In fact, there are three different kinds. For example:

• Partial – only part of the sun gets blocked

• Annular – because of different distances, the moon cannot block out the entire sun, and it leaves a small halo or ring around the moon’s shadow.

• Total – the moon completely blocks the sun for a few minutes. When total eclipses happen, part of the earth can only view a partial eclipse.

The earth, moon, and sun do not have the same proximity in distance. In fact, these distances can fluctuate. When the moon’s shadow blocks the sun’s light, it is not always in the same place, and this is why you have different kinds of eclipses. However, you need solar eclipse glasses to view all eclipses safely.

You May Notice Unusual Things When It Gets Dark

Since it is very unusual for the skies to darken in the daytime, strange things sometimes happen. You may notice everything getting calm and there is a great deal of stillness and quiet, as you look at the world through your solar eclipse glasses. Nature responds to darkness by making animals prepare for the night, so birds may stop singing, the temperature may drop, and you may get an eerie feeling for a few minutes.

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