Unique Favors That Provide Traditional Favor Features

by | Jun 4, 2012 | Shopping

Many people are used to getting traditional favors when they attend certain kinds of parties, including birthday parties, showers, and wedding receptions. However, they can also get sick of the same ones they seem to get at every single party. Therefore, you can make a difference by choosing unique favors to give to your guests instead. These favors will be different from what they expect, which is bound to make them happy.

If you have been to these types of parties on your own, one of the most common types of favors is mints, chocolates or some other kind of candy wrapped up in tulle or some other type of favor packaging. This can get a little old if you end up going to a lot of these parties, especially in a short period of time. However, this doesn’t mean you have to completely steer clear of the candy favors. You can go with something a little different, while still giving your guests something to enjoy.

When you look for unique favors, you will be able to find different types of favor packages, which you can fill with the candy of your choice. However, you want to go with something a little different for your guests. If you are going to set up a seating chart for your guests, or even if you will allow them to choose their own spaces, place card holders can be a great favor as well. They can serve as a photo holder later on. So why not combine these two things into a unique favor?

You can find favors that are special favor boxes you can fill with a lot of the same candies that the other favors offer. However, when you put them in these special favor boxes, you will impress your guests. Another great feature of these favor boxes is the holder on top of the box. You can put place cards into this holder for your guests to place at their tables to hold their spot or to let them know where to sit.

Even if you want to go with a favor that is more traditional, you can put a different twist on them to create unique favors. While still using the same candy you would put in other favors, you will be giving your guests a unique box, which they can use as a photo holder once they take it home.

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