Finding the Joy of the Holidays Again as an Elder Caregiver

by | Sep 10, 2019 | Health

For most people, the holiday season is a time of peace and joy. The rush of the days leading up to the holidays gives way to comfortable celebrations and quiet moments in front of Christmas trees, menorahs, or crackling fireplaces where memories are made. Parents watch children play and couples make memories – but what about family members taking care of elder loved ones?

The holidays can feel like a stressful, thankless time for these people. Here, we offer a few tips for finding the joy in this time of year once more – and getting some help if that’s what you need to find it.

Make Time to Be Social

It can be easy for people taking care of their loved ones to feel overworked, which may lead them to isolate themselves in search of time to recharge. Still, it is important to make time to visit with others – especially at the holidays. Just a few social outings or gatherings can give you the mental and emotional boost you need.

Indulge – Moderately

The attitude during the holiday season is always one of indulgence. Why not? It’s the holidays! But this kind of over-indulgence can lead to consequences, not the least of which being that you feel worse than you did before you partook in the festivities.

Before reaching for another glass of wine or champagne, be sure that you are moderating your intake. Not only so that you can remember and enjoy your outings, but so that you won’t suffer the negative effects afterward, such as headaches, stomach upset, dehydration, and mood swings.

Reach Out for Help

Sometimes, providing care for another person is more than you can handle on your own. That’s okay. That’s why Washington DC home care assistance providers exist.

If you need help meeting your elder loved one’s needs this holiday season or any time of year, contact the experts at Capital City Nurses. You don’t have to do it–or feel–alone!

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