How Do I Write My Will in Irvine, CA?

by | Jun 16, 2023 | finance

Every adult should create a living will and testament to ensure that your estate is distributed properly when you die. Even while you’re still developing your estate, you should have something in place in case of the unexpected. Writing your will can be stressful, though. Here are some tips on how to write your will with a trust attorney in Irvine, CA.

List Your Assets/Debts

The first thing you’ll need to do is list your assets and debts on paper. Your assets include things of value, such as real estate, vehicles, bank accounts, jewelry, artwork, and designer clothing.

With the large items out of the way, you’ll also want to include smaller items, such as furniture, music collections, dishware, and electronics.

Establish Your Beneficiaries

Assuming that your assets exceed your debts when you die, you will get to determine who will receive your items when you die. You can also establish a trust that you can give to your children or grandchildren after a certain amount of time. You can also leave some of your assets to charities or other organizations. If you want to put stipulations on the inheritance, such as insisting that the new owner of your house doesn’t sell it, you will need to put those wishes in writing.

Make It Official

Finally, you need to make your will official with the help of a trust attorney in Irvine, CA. The lawyer will be able to advise you on the details and the legalities of any will or trust you leave behind. You may also need witnesses to complete the process.

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