Services Provided By Lawyers In Pasadena

by | Sep 3, 2013 | Lawyers & Law Firms

Lawyers in Pasadena provide services within criminal cases and civil litigation. The chosen cases may relate to felony or misdemeanor charges as well as filing a claim against individuals or companies with whom you have a dispute. If you have a case that falls into these categories you require legal counsel to represent you in legal proceedings. You are advised to consult your preferred attorney to establish the direction of your case and learn more about your rights. It is advisable that you consult your attorney as soon as possible to begin this process.

Criminal Cases

Criminal law relates to any criminal offense for which you are accused. This implies that a local law enforcement agency has filed formal charges against you. You need a criminal defense attorney to represent you in these proceedings to protect your interests and allow you the opportunity to share your side with the judge and jury.

Civil Litigation

In civil matters, you may have a viable dispute with an individual or company. This area of law is widespread and encompass a high volume of probabilities. Among the possible cases that fall within this category are product’s liability, medical malpractice, anti-trust violations, and intellectual property violations.

Local Representation

Khalaf and Khalaf Lawyers offer legal services within criminal defense and civil litigation. If you are facing criminal charges or have a viable claim due to injury or incident you can consult with these attorneys to establish an effective course of action. These attorneys are available to anyone within the Pasadena or Los Angeles area. If you wish to schedule an appointment, you may contact them at the local number listed on their website.

You can hire an attorney in the Pasadena area if you require services within the areas of criminal defense or civil litigation. Criminal defense lawyers enable you to prove your innocence in a court of law. Your selected attorney will produce a strong criminal defense based on circumstances that are associated with your charge. In the civil litigation process, your preferred attorney will guide you through the process of filing a claim against an individual or business with whom you have a viable dispute.

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