Support the Community with Black-Owned Menstrual Products

by | Apr 21, 2022 | period cup

Large corporate companies have a history of oppressing smaller black-owned businesses. When you purchase black-owned menstrual products, you are giving back to the black community, supporting black jobs, and fighting corporate oppression. A black-owned menstrual cup company has to fight against large businesses both physical and online corporate monopolies. These large companies often cause black-owned companies to shut down. When you buy black-owned products, you will be supporting black-owned economic vitality and resilience.

Close the Racial Wage Gap

Today, there is a racial wage gap that can be traced back to the days of job segregation. African Americans were refused higher-paying jobs based on the color of their skin. Non-African Americans could climb the ladder, enjoy success, and set up generations of wealth for their children and children’s children. By supporting black-owned companies and buying black-owned menstrual products, you are contributing to closing the racial wage gap. You may not think of a menstrual cup as making a difference, but to a black-owned company, it is all the difference.

Unique Products

Black entrepreneurs and business owners are inspired by their African American culture. Black-owned menstrual products, clothing, hair stores, toys, and make-up lines are infused with African American culture. When you shop at a black-owned store, you can enjoy access to unique products designed for the African American community.

Many companies still do not appreciate black culture, history, and influence. Shopping at a black-owned company also prevents you from accidentally spending your money at a company that does not celebrate black culture.

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