Ask any Symons Form dealer, and they will tell you that if you are new to the process, then chances are you have a lot of questions. A dedicated Symons Form professional will not hesitate to guide you through the whole building process when using this method. First of all, a Symonds Forms professional understands that the first thing you need to understand is how it works. That is why every Symonds Steel Ply system uses a combination of robust steel rails and cross-members. They will have superior 1/2-inch HDO plywood that will ensure that they have a pressure of 1000 psf (per square foot). When you match that with their safety ratio of 2:1, you know that you truly have something special.
Probably one of the best things about the Steel Ply system can form walls that consist of any size or shape for your unique and customizable structures. Considering that they have over 80 filler sizes, this is one of the main reasons why construction professionals and architects love this tool!
Symons Forms are very durable as well. This system can be utilized as much as 200 times before it will need any plywood requirements. Many of these Symons Forms are available in panels and fillers ranging from 60 cm to 300 cm in height, with as much as 10 to 55 cm in width.
Finally, if all of the preceding benefits weren’t good enough, this entire system is built to be as strong and durable as possible. These same basic components are built to construct different structures, and that makes construction professionals more readily familiar with the entire system. It’s a win-win either way you look at it, so talk to these Symons Forms Dealers today.