Cutting standing timber has come a long way in a short period of time, and the new designs in felling head disc types on the market continue to make the process easier, more effective and more efficient.
There are several different factors that need to be considered when selecting a felling head disc. This will largely be influenced by the specific type of timber, including the diameter and if it is hard or soft wood or a combination type of felling operation.
Additional considerations in choosing a felling head disc will include the type of topography and terrain where the timbering operation is located. Some discs are more suitable to use in rocky terrain and can stand up to very rough use even in environments where it may previously have been too challenging to even consider attempting to harvest.
Flow of Chips
While the actually cutting action of the teeth is not hard on the felling head disc, the issue with the chips forcing based the disc in the cut can be a real issue to consider. Not all companies offer a blade that addresses these issues, but the top aftermarket disc manufacturing companies have come a long way on these options.
One of the newest designs in a felling head disc offers a deep gullet that runs from the center of the disc to the edge, with the gullet increasing in width closer to the exterior edge of the blade. The result of this design is a route or a pocket that even larger chips can actually flow between the cut and the disc without creating that friction and potential damage to the holder and the teeth.
Tooth Holders and Angles
In addition to the actual design of the felling head disc, including if it has a symmetrical design, offers a tooth holder and disc combination, or has a modular design, the actual design of the tooth holder and the angle of the design has a major influence on tooth wear.
Look for a felling head disc that has a high pro-rated warranty for blade life, and that also incorporates angles and options that decrease the stress on each tooth. This will ensure that not only the teeth last longer, but that the entire disc continues to have a long life cycle even with continual, heavy use.