Over time, factors such as food and improper care can lead to teeth deterioration. A cracked or broken tooth may need to be altered to save the bottom part of the tooth. One smart way to do this is with a dental crown. These restorative devices are situated above the gumline. To decide whether this is a viable solution for fixing a tooth, learn more about Dental Crowns Evanston. The following details will give more insight into these man-made covers.
A dental crown is a restorative device that is installed for various purposes. A dental patient may be trying to save the remaining part of a tooth. A dental crown can also be used to replace a defective crown. Cracked or fractured teeth may require the use of Dental Crowns Evanston. Some dental patients simply prefer the looks of these devices over the look of their natural teeth.
Before a crown is installed into a dental patient’s mouth, a dentist will typically perform a thorough examination of the patient’s mouth. This includes the teeth and gums. This is to assess for the presence of dental disease. X-rays and other tests may be ordered to better view the internal parts of the tooth. A patient should be completely honest about his dental history. Also, a patient should address his expectations and financial ability to buy the dental crown with the dentist.
Before a dental crown is installed onto a tooth, a dentist will reduce the tooth. This includes shaping. Usually, a point is left in the center of the tooth to attach to the underside of a crown. This will hold the crown in place. Next, a mold is taken of the tooth and adjacent teeth. This is sent to a laboratory so a crown can be created. Once this crown is finished, the dentist will see how it fits. Adjustments may have to be made for the crown to fit. After these changes are made, the dentist cements the crown to the patient’s mouth. For information on getting a dental crown, please visit the website of Stephens Dentistry.