Divorce cases are extremely sensitive. There are no two marriages that are the same. Consequently, there are no two divorce cases that will ever be the same. This is the reason why you should hire a family lawyer to handle your case. Divorce cases are emotional and it is extremely difficult for any of the parties to be objective. The divorce lawyer helps you keep your objectivity throughout the process. The first thing that you need to note is that divorce cases are handled under family law. New Jersey family law differs from family law in other states Therefore, your lawyer should be acquainted with the law in New Jersey when you hire them. The lawyer that you hire should also be someone that you are comfortable getting personal with. Here are some of the issues that are covered by family law in a typical divorce case:
- Property Settlement- property settlement is one of the sensitive issues that need to be addressed during divorce. The first thing that your lawyers should explain to you is what the New Jersey family law says about property settlement. It is the responsibility of your divorce lawyer to ensure that their client gets equitable property settlement through this process. Equitable means that the property should be divided in a way that all the parties see is fair.
- Child Custody- the battle for child custody can be acrimonious especially if they cannot agree on a schedule that works for both of them. New Jersey family law puts the interest of the child first. Therefore, a divorce lawyer should be able to explain to their client, their position in custody battle. This process is easy when parents are willing to share custody. Their lawyers will help them come up with a schedule that suits both of them.
- Spousal support- this is another issue that family law covers. A spouse can apply for spousal support if they believe that they deserve to get alimony. The law has conditions that have to be met for a spouse to get alimony. Your lawyer should be able to explain to you the conditions that have to be met and whether you can be able to claim alimony.
It is crucial for your lawyer to explain New Jersey family law to you before going through the process. The conditions for your divorce eventually determine how your divorce case will be handled. Do not allow just any lawyer to handle your case because they might not give it the attention it needs. Divorce lawyers understand family law and will research your case and system so that you can have an easy time during this process.
New Jersey family law should be handled by a professional at all times. This is the reason why you should always hire a professional divorce lawyer when undergoing divorce.