What is plantar fasciitis, and what causes it?
These are common questions folks ask when seeking foot pain treatment in Winston-Salem, NC. This thick band of tissue is located on the bottom of the foot, and it connects the heel bone and toes for proper function.
Sadly, many people get inflammation in this area. The feet take a lot of abuse, as they carry around a lot of weight. However, the plantar fascia is the shock absorber to protect them and support the arch. When theres excessive strain put on this band, tiny tears can develop in the tissue that causes inflammation and pain.
What causes it is more challenging to uncover, as many things can aggravate this band. The most common is overuse. If a person has put repetitive strain on this area, such as walking, running, or standing more than usual, it can cause issues.
Another common problem is having flat feet. When the weight distribution is off, it puts extra strain on the plantar fascia, and these tears can occur. Some folks need to wear the right shoes and need more support to maintain their foot mechanics.
Most folks notice a stabbing sensation after a rest period, but the pain dissipates once they start moving around again. There are many things a person can do at home to help, such as using ice and stretching exercises. However, depending on the severity of the damage, a trip to a healthcare professional may be warranted.
What is plantar fasciitis, and what causes it? Asking questions and trying to understand the issues isnt going to help, but its best to see a specialist for foot pain treatment in Winston-Salem, NC. Contact QC Kinetix (Winston-Salem) for help and relief. View Testimonials.